Eligibility and categories 

  • Entrants in each category (agency, office and individuals) must be current REINZ members. At the time of the awards presentation in August, entrants must have renewed their membership for the 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 period.

  • There are quantitative and qualitative judging criteria; some awards have both types of criteria and some have one. More information is available here.

  • The categories include awards for individuals, for offices, for roles (such as office administrator), and for areas such as community service and innovation. In some categories, there are awards for Salesperson, Manager and Rising Star.

    Different sectors are also recognised: rural, commercial & industrial, residential property management, and residential sales. A full list of awards categories can be viewed here.

  • There is no limit, as long as you meet the criteria for that category.

  • Yes you can. Please submit a separate entry for each award category. If you’d like to nominate several people for different awards, you are required to create a separate entry for each person.

  • 1) I’m a commercial and industrial salesperson and I work with another two licensed salespersons. Which category of award should I enter if I would like to pool our commission together?

    Overall Commercial & Industrial Salesperson of the Year. If you look at page 4 of the Awards T&Cs, Overall means a salesperson:

    1. Who is working in a partnership or within a team; and/or

    2. Who is supported by licensed assistants.

    2) I’m a commercial and industrial salesperson and I have an assistant but he does not a real estate licence. Which category of award should I enter?

    Individual Commercial & Industrial Salesperson of the Year. If you look at page 4 of the Awards T&Cs, Individual means a single salesperson who is working alone (not in a partnership or team) without any licensed assistants (however the support of unlicensed administration assistants is allowed).

  • Yes, they can, provided the property management office and nominated manager is a member of REINZ. Please note:The manager being nominated will need to be a REINZ member between 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024 to be eligible to enter the award.

Key dates

  • All entries must be submitted by 5pm Monday, 1 July 2024.

  • All entries must be for activity that took place between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

  • The finalists and winners will be announced at our live event on Tuesday 13 August 2024 at Cordis Hotel in Auckland.

Submitting an entry 

  • No, there is no entry fee.

  • All entries are submitted online at https://reinz.awardsplatform.com.

    Follow these steps:

    1. To begin the award entry, select the award category from the list on the awards site home page, then click ‘Enter’.

    2. The ‘Download sample entry PDF’ is for your reference and sets out the fields you’ll need to complete online so you can see them at a glance. Please don’t complete the PDF form, as you’ll need to fill out the fields online.

      We recommend writing and saving your answers for each question in a word document prior to entering the details on the Awards Force platform as backup in case anything goes wrong while submitting your entry.

    3. In the online entry, there are a number of tabs with fields to complete.

    4. Click the 'Save + next' button to save your progress and move to the next tab.

    5. If you wish, you can stop partway through and complete the entry at another time:

      a. To save your progress, click the 'Save + close' button at the end of the tab you’re on.

      b. To return to the entry and continue to complete it, click the 'Entries' button on the left side of the website. You’ll see a list of all of your entries – both drafts and submitted entries.

    6. Click ‘Submit’ when you’ve completed your entry.

    NOTE: You can make changes to your award entries after you have submitted them, up until the deadline of 5pm Mon 1 July 2024. Click the 'Entries' button on the left side to see a list of all your entries – both drafts and submitted.

  • REINZ is hosting a Call for entries webinar. If you’re still not quite sure about what the awards are about, which category is best for you, have a specific question about an entry form, or just want to know more about what the judges are looking for in an award-winning entry, then join our Awards for Excellence Q&A Webinar on Wednesday 18 May, 2pm-1pm. Register here.

  • No, you can save your progress partway through and then return at a later date.

  • Each awards category has a ‘Download sample entry PDF’, which lists all the fields you’ll need to complete online, for an awards entry. This is a sample for your reference only so you can see all the fields at a glance. Please don’t fill this PDF form out, as it won’t be accepted. All entries need to be submitted through the online process.

  • Please upload supporting documents that specifically relate to the answers you’ve given in the ‘Award Criteria’ tab online e.g. examples of your work or proof of data. Don’t upload general documents containing information that’s not related to your entry.

  • Yes. You can make edits up until the deadline of 5pm Monday, 1 July 2024. Steps for how to do this are covered in the submitting an entry sections of this FAQ page.

Winning an award

  • The REINZ awards celebrate New Zealand's top real estate agents, business brokers and property managers. There are more than 40 award categories – from industry innovators to community service – and winners are recognised for the highest levels of achievement in New Zealand real estate and property management.

    Award recipients can share the fact that they’re a REINZ award winner in a range of ways, including email signatures, social media, and sales collateral.

  • REINZ will contact any winners who do not attend on Tuesday 13 August.

    Award trophies will be couriered to winners who were unable to make it on the night.

Awards Ceremony

  • Black tie.

  • Tickets are vailable to purchase from June. In June, we'll add the details for buying tickets to this website.

  • Yes there will be both tables of ten and individual tickets available for purchase.